"Leyte To The World" is a series of interactive music videos created by festival attendees and automatically edited in real-time on-site to create hundreds of unique personalized music videos.
Leyte is an island in the Philippines which was devastated by Hurricane Yolanda back in 2013. Years later families are still trying to rebuild their lives. For The Love of Leyte music festival has been created to bring awareness and support to the island.
The aim of the project was to show the beautiful of Leyte to the world and allow festival-goers to leave their own custom message of support and enthusiasm.
Creative Studio: The Collective
Creative & art direction + coding: Frederic Bussiere
Operation and filming onsite: Andy Stokes, Josh L Kahan, Adrian Lee
With the support of the Department of Tourism of the Philippines for For the Love of Leyte Music & Arts Festival, 2018.
Creative & art direction + coding: Frederic Bussiere
Operation and filming onsite: Andy Stokes, Josh L Kahan, Adrian Lee
With the support of the Department of Tourism of the Philippines for For the Love of Leyte Music & Arts Festival, 2018.
Music : "Manhid" by Succubus - A local band from Tacloban, Leyte.

How it works:
A Kinect and a webcam captures in real-time the guests who follow on screen instructions about singing and living a message. It's a sort of karaoke using a famous local song that everyone knows. The footage from the guests is treated visually (by using the depth pass of the Kinect) to fit with the other pieces of videos (shot few days prior the festival). At the end of the recording, an unique music video has been generated and the festival-goers can share it immediately.
Coded with Touch Designer

Different automated video effects from the dozen of videos being produced in real-time:

One of the videos, with the member of the band of the song!